Our goal is to provide you answers and resources to help make your experience at Hondo Valley Public Schools a positive one. If you ever have any questions about the services your child receives, or if you feel your child should be receiving services, please give us a call. We are always happy to help you
Special Education
Hondo Valley provides an appropriate education for all its students. For our students identified with special needs and abilities, we do everything we can to educate them in the least restrictive environment suitable for their needs according to the federal IDEA Act.
Title I
Title I helps us improve the academic achievement of students in reading and math. Hondo Valley receives federal funds under Title I to help us align our curriculum to state standards, hire highly qualified teachers, and improve our accountability and progress monitoring of students.
Title III
We use Title III funding to provide language instruction to children with limited English proficiency and immigrant students. Funding for Title III is used to hire qualified teachers who specialize in English acquisition and to promote family participation in the instructional programs.
Migrant Student Services
Available as a resource to students whose families move frequently in order to find temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural fields, migrant student services (in collaboration with state and local agencies) ensure children continue to receive educational benefits wherever they live.
Homeless Students
The McKinney-Vento Education Act provides money to schools to help homeless students stay in school. By coordinating services with local agencies, schools can provide a link to help families in need. Homeless students may qualify for free lunches, tutoring, clothing vouchers, and summer school.
Student Services Staff
If you have questions or need help, please contact our STARS coordinator, Kathy Saenz at kathy.saenz@honodeagles.org.